Flory walks with two new legs - 2004

Click here: Video of our Children Sponsorship Program(GEMS)- 4 minutes
"The Journey of a thousand miles begins
with a single step.” Mother Theresa was once asked “How can we ever end poverty?” She replied with one simple
word…”Share”. In today’s society the issues of poverty in the undeveloped Southeast
Asia region may seem to be an insurmountable challenge with a goal that is unattainable. The truth is that
by reducing the problems to the basic factors of education and health on a grass-roots level, these problems can be easily
corrected with a little help from you. Our programs start a “Ripple Effect”, by aiding just
one person, one family, or one community we can enable them to a better chance in life. By providing the
basics such as clean water, and safe buildings to start the fundamental education needed to raise themselves and their communities
from poverty.
As you’ll see throughout this site, these goals are surmountable and attainable; we just
need your help. We all have the opportunity to make a difference and to help someone in need; we just have
to make a commitment. Please see our page “How Can You Help” located in the menu on the left
side to find out how you can make a commitment to make a difference in someone one’s life that desperately needs it.
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